AL-KO AKS™ 3504 is a stabilizing coupling joint for trailers with the highest technically permissible/permitted weight from 200 kg to 3500 kg.
- Allows for safer driving at higher speeds, reduces trailer oscillation and vibration while driving.
- Stabilization of unwanted trailer swings is ensured by the ball stud being retracted by four friction segments. Two are located in the axis of the direction of travel, and two in the axis perpendicular to the direction of travel.
- Stabilizing couplings are used exclusively dry (without the use of lubricants). ATTENTION!!! When using a stabilizing clutch on a lubricated ball stud, the friction segments will be degraded and the stabilizing effect will be significantly reduced.
- The AL-KO AKS™ 3504 stabilizer joint is equipped with a correct connection indicator and a wear indicator for the ball joint and friction segments.
- When the coupling joint is fitted to the ball and the control lever is depressed, the friction segments are pressed against the ball stud with a force of up to 320 Nm2, effectively limiting trailer oscillation from the start of the journey.
- The stabilising coupling joint is supplied including the fasteners.
- Can be mounted on 60 mm diameter ramp brake pull tubes.
- The friction segments are replaceable and their wear rate can be monitored externally without the need for disassembly.
- Note: The use of stabilizing couplings is not suitable on balls attached to the hitch bracket with a single vertical bolt. The moment the friction segments grip the ball tightly and there is a slight sideways rotation during travel, the vertical bolt could be released from the bracket.
- Stabilizer weight: 5.2 kg.
Package contents:
- 1x stabilizer AL-KO AKS 3504
- 2x M16 hexagon head bolt
- 2x self-locking nuts M16
Category: | Trailer stabilizers |
Weight: | 1 kg |
materiál: | litina |
hodnota D/Dc: | 31 |
maximální hmotnost přívěsu (kg): | 3500 |
maximální povolené svislé zatížení (kg): | 350 |
minimální hmotnost přívěsu (kg): | 200 |
montáž na trubku průměru: | 60 mm |
otvory pro uchycení: | 2x horizontálně |
pro kouli o průměru (mm): | 50 |
pro profil: | trubka |
pro přívěsy: | brzděné |
utahovací moment: | 195 Nm |
velikost horizontálních šroubů: | M16 |
zámek součástí dodávky: | No |
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HURT s.r.o.
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Měl jsem předvybrané dva vozíky. Na prodejně mi poradili, vše vysvětlili a s delším odstupem času od nákupu mohu potvrdit, že ve všem měli pravdu. S vozíkem jsem zatím maximálně spokojený a firmu PKTechnik Vám mohu rozhodně doporučit. Kvalita a zpracování vozíku je naprosto bezkonkurenční. Díky.
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